Christopher Penney, Ph.D.
Christopher Penney
is a commercial medicinal chemist with over thirty-five years experience in the Canadian pharmaceutical industry. He was Chief Scientific Officer of the therapeutic drug research group at ProMetic BioSciences (now known as Liminal BioSciences for which he currently consults).
He has extensive expertise in immuno-organic chemistry (immunomodulators, vaccine immunoadjuvants, immunodiagnostics) as well as general synthesis capability, a strong background in biology, extensive IP experience along with clinical trial and BD experience.
Currently he is the co-founder of ChemThera Sciences which has been recently invited by the US NIH to apply for support of development of a novel, orally active candidate drug for treatment of mild/moderate COVID-19 infection. He is also an Emeritus member of the American Chemical Society and has 35 scientific publications and holds 30 patents.